Check what's planned Roadmap
  • update SourceFiles Update v6.0 (in development)
    • error Fixed arrow shower skill damage x5
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_MOB_DROP_POLY enable drop type 'poly' for special_item_group.txt (idx drop mobvnum pct customitemvnum)
    • error Fixed guild wars' spectactors getting killed by skills
    • new_releases Added Mysql2Proto -l "locale_name"
    • new_releases Added specular in MirrorItemTableIntoDB
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT for qc it fixes the numbers properly without the need to do tonumber("1234567890")
    • ...
    • description Added further changes
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.9 (v5-ex-?) (in development)
    • build Svf script can now generate
    • build Remodernized full source with 'auto' when redundant
    • build Remodernized full source with 'std::contains'
    • build Remodernized full source with 'const'
    • build Remodernized full source with 'nullptr'
    • delete_forever Removed unreachable code
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_EMOTION_HIDE_WEAPON to hide the weapon when using emotions
    • new_releases Added gmake qc in Server folder
    • error Fixed some warnings for server src on windows
    • error Fixed a bug where the "with" scripts weren't selecting the quest
    • error Fixed a bug where accounts ids for empire could be abused
    • build Adjusted some missing arguments in the warnings
    • build Slight refactory of some files with string_view
    • error Fixed LoginKey exploit that could allow banned cheaters to re-login
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_ITEM_AUTOSTACK_EX to automatically stack purchased/crafted/created items
    • new_releases Added help functions like GetDragonSoulInventoryItem ITEM_MANAGER::IsDragonSoul for DS
    • build Reduced usage of GetInventoryItem
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_ITEM_DS_INVENTORY_PROCESS to also process the DS inventories when processing items
    • build Updated 32bit compilation on 64bit OS compilation (check Extern folder for the previous versions too)
    • error Fixed green/purple potions played the potion sound twice
    • delete_forever Removed billing
    • build Added CItem::IsSameSocket function
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_FONT_EX to enable font italic,bold,strikeout,underline and they can also be mixed
    • build Slight refactory ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_NEW_ITEM with SlotWindow.SetSlotDiffuseColor
    • build Added TryLoadLocaleFile to load additional strings from locale/common/%s_ex.txt and locale/%s/%s_ex.txt
    • error Added ENABLE_MOVE_CHANNEL check to not use it inside dungeons
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_LOAD_ITEM_SCALE_FROM_ROOT to load item_scale.txt from root
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_LOAD_SKILL_TABLE_FROM_ROOT to load SkillTable.txt from root
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_LOCALE_COMMON to load client ui from locale/common/ui
    • build Moved SAVE_ACCOUNT strings to locale_interface_ex.txt
    • error Fixed uiUploadMark IsARABIC
    • build Fixed server libDevil v1.8 mark position fix, and no lzma req nor dependencies like libjpeg required
    • build Adjusted all the client CWindow Classes with new macro MAKE_UI_WINDOW_TYPE for Type() OnIsType()
    • error Fixed DoSetTypes::ALIGNMENT fix target var
    • error Fixed ENABLE_RECURSIVE_UI_DESTROY instability
    • error Fixed random refactory skill poly
    • error Fixed DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM removed double yang yang for v22
    • build Refactored fixme025 received damage to process them better
    • build Moved TOOLTIP_TIPS_SPLIT_ITEM to locale_interface_ex.txt
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_REGEN_RENEWAL to call regen events only after the mobs are destroyed and not constantly every second
    • new_releases Added player.RefreshInventory() python function
    • build Added CHARACTER::IsQuestRunning CQuestManager::HasQuestRunning functions
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_MULTI_ITEM_PICK define to allow people to pick all the closest items at once with Z
    • error Fixed some bitwise OR checks that were used instead of the logical OR ones
    • delete_forever Removed SpeedGrass
    • error Fixed some missing nullptr checks for pack, models, and resources
    • error Fixed some miscalculations in the dds header loader
    • build Refactored CExchange::CheckSpace
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_CONQUEROR_UI define for the official character window and bonus window (can be disabled)
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_DS_GRADE_MYTH define for mythical dragon soul grade
    • new_releases Added window key l2r for left2right windows (arabic)
    • new_releases Added support for OnMouseWheel on inventory/ds inventory and character window
    • build Refactored svf python scripts removing the .sh
    • build Refactored svf sql merging the updates into a single .sql per database
    • build STextTail with default value
    • error CalcDamBonus fix
    • build Added useful information for some syserr and more
    • ...
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_PLAYER_CHECKAFFECT official reversed code for player.CheckAffect(affectID) ex
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_BL_APP_GET_TEXT official reversed code for app.GetTextLength app.GetTextWidth ex
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_BL_TRACEBACK official reversed code traceback extra info (line included) ex
    • new_releases Added __BL_MOUSE_WHEEL_TOP_WINDOW__ official reversed code for OnMouseWheelButtonUp OnMouseWheelButtonDown python events ex
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_UI_CIRCLE official reversed code for ui class Circle ex
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_UI_MOVING official reversed code for ui class Moving ex
    • new_releases Added __BL_CLIP_MASK__ official reversed code for ui Clip Mask ex
    • error Fixed app.__BL_CLIP_MASK__ ListBoxEx fix arabic ex
    • error Fixed many issues with ENABLE_EMOJI_SYSTEM arabic alignment ex
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_AUTO_L2R official reversed code for wnd.wndImageLeftRightReverse wnd.ButtonLeftRightReverse ex
    • new_releases Added __BL_OFFICIAL_LOOT_FILTER__ official reversed Loot Filter (fully refactored code: checks moved from server to client+json) ex
    • ...
    • error ENABLE_NUMERIC_FIELD fix patch-1
    • error dumpproto/db names noname fix patch-1
    • error APPLY_MOUNT tag txt missing fix patch-1
    • error mount_upgrade tag skill missing fix patch-1
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_AUTO_PICK_ORE define for give ore crystals directly in inventory if there's space patch-1
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_AUTO_MINING define for auto-restart mining after it's done patch-1
    • ...
    • build gcc12 to clang porting patch-2
    • build Added ENABLE_CHANNEL_STATUS_CACHE to prevent channel status cache flood patch-2
    • build Added ENABLE_MESSENGER_REMOVE_SYNC to remove friendship on your ex friend's list too patch-2
    • build Refactored ItemLog item GetID slightly patch-2
    • build Added pc.is_observer patch-2
    • build Fixed guild land object cleanup patch-2
    • build Fixed ENABLE_PROTOSTRUCT_AUTODETECT if disabled patch-2
    • build Refactored ENABLE_PYLIB_CHECK patch-2
    • ...
    • new_releases Added USE_IMPROVED_PACKET_DECRYPTED_BUFFER enables a buffer for decrypting incoming packets sent at different times [ikarus] patch-3
    • error Fixed font glitch that looks like weird dots in accents [ikarus] patch-3
    • error Fixed color diffuse on disabled slots for item size 2 and 3 [ikarus] patch-3
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_CHEQUE_SYSTEM full system patch-3
    • new_releases Added DISABLE_CHEQUE_DROP to disable won drop if wanted patch-3
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_WON_EXCHANGE_WINDOW to trade won - yang directly (touch the won input in inventory to open it) patch-3
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_DB_SQL_LOG for db conf.txt to add logs via db too patch-3
    • build Adjusted some makefiles like qc patch-3
    • ...
    • new_releases All the remaining fixes from previous revs' patches till v5.8-p14 patch-4
    • new_releases All the remaining fixes from previous revs' patches till v5.8-p16 patch-5
    • delete_forever Removed billing patch-8
    • delete_forever Removed login_sim patch-8
    • delete_forever Removed castle patch-8
    • error Added USE_NO_PACKET_ENCRYPTION to use simple and lite patch-8
    • error Fixed moving belt to safebox if another is equip patch-8
    • error Fixed event cancel dangling patch-8
    • error Fixed safebox update password if row is missing patch-8
    • error Fixed ENABLE_KILL_EVENT_FIX with many deaths patch-8
    • error Fixed missing hits from mount with high speed patch-8
    • new_releases All the remaining fixes from previous revs' patches till v5.8-p21 patch-8
    • ...
    • description Added further changes
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.8 (v5-ex-r642)
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_RECURSIVE_UI_DESTROY to automatically clean every python UI
    • error Fixed uiQuest.QuestCurtain leak
    • error Fixed ShopDialog leak
    • error Fixed ui.NoWindow and RadioButtonGroup leak
    • build Refactored PlayerSlotT with std::array
    • error Fixed AutoAppendTextLine miscalculated new width
    • error Fixed wrong return for EditLine.OnPressEscapeKey
    • error Fixed dangling item pointers after resuming yielded quest states
    • error Fixed the clearing of skill affects after ClearSkill
    • error Fixed expiration of real_time items inside the safebox
    • error Fixed ENABLE_PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5 check when changing empire
    • build Changed svf python clear.list -> .clear.json and start.list -> .start.json
    • error Fixed crash core with /user_horse_feed if the item vnum was missing in item_proto
    • new_releases Added hostname channel port inside /state
    • error Fixed the load of duplicated maps in map/index (preventing duplicated regens)
    • new_releases Added app.ENABLE_MOVE_CHANNEL select current channel when open
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_RACE_HEIGHT for race_height.txt
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_ELEMENTAL_TARGET for showing the elemental icon in mob targets
    • new_releases Added WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO_EX containing all the remaining getters for nonplayer (mob proto)
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_CMDCHAT_VARIADIC_ARGS now cmdchat supports variadic arguments without using split/join
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_INGAME_CONSOLE to re-enable gm console
    • error Fixed change name item dupe bug
    • delete_forever Removed ENABLE_FLUSH_CACHE_FEATURE
    • error Fixed another empire check in select phase
    • error Fixed boring input on focus issue in login window
    • build ForceVisibleInstCount moved inside __PERFORMANCE_CHECKER__ as it should be
    • delete_forever Removed HIGHSCORE
    • error Fixed stones weren't properly cleared as actors
    • error Fixed memory leak for panama and hybrid type
    • delete_forever Removed unused LocaleService_Is
    • error Fixed CancelServerTimers not properly erasing the element from the container
    • error Fixed little glitch when picking items with the horse
    • build Added full support for gcc12 and clang13 with c++20 and no warnings
    • error Removed ClientVersion1
    • new_releases Added d.count_real_monster
    • delete_forever Removed HEADER_GD_FLUSH_CACHE
    • build Refactored old introempire/select event.BOX_VISIBLE_LINE_COUNT like official
    • build Added race in CActorInstance::SetLoopMotion error message
    • build Improved fixme174 for more information
    • error Fixed stopped sounds played back unsuccessfully
    • error Fixed the anisotropic texture filtering after lostdevice/recoverydevice
    • error Fixed mobs could ran away on death instead of playing the death animation
    • error Fixed very fast mounts going outside outside sectree
    • new_releases Added USE_PET_SEAL_ON_LOGIN it will automatically spawn the pet after a rewarp
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_4TH_AFF_SKILL_DESC to support the new skilldesc structure
    • build Improved fixme196 for safebox
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_REDUCED_ENTITY_VIEW to reduce the entity view complexity
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_NPC_WITHOUT_COLLISIONS to skip collisions to all npc (except doors/mobs)
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_GUILD_TOKEN_AUTH to fix the guild logo exploit
    • error Fixed unique items can now be be stackable without issues
    • error Fixed guild land load from other maps
    • build Refactored GetEmptyInventoryEx GetWindowInventoryEx
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_UNIQUE_ITEM_AUTOSPLIT to autosplit stacked unique items
    • build Refactored AutoStackItem AutoStackItemProto to automatically stack unique, and other items
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_WALK_RUN_ANI_ALTERNATIVE to load run animation instead of walk if missing
    • build Added split_argument split_arguments for cmd commands and more
    • new_releases Added constInfo.ENABLE_SELF_STACK_SCROLLS to enable self stack of scrolls and more
    • build Refactored some part of the sash system
    • new_releases Readded back quest.get_current_quest_name0 old alias
    • build Fixed random refactory on poly skills patch-1
    • build Fixed talismans and gloves equipment if they had no wearflag patch-1
    • build Disabled ENABLE_NO_SELL_PRICE_DIVIDED_BY_5 by default patch-1
    • error Fixed ENABLE_CHECK_SELL_PRICE patch-1
    • error CalcDamBonus fix patch-1
    • error v22 support with ae already added patch-2
    • error AutoStackItemProto fix patch-3
    • error ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_EX_SYSTEM fix compute points patch-4
    • error RefreshTooltipPosition fix patch-5
    • error Delayed query innodb fix patch-5
    • error EmojiPathProcess AE patch-5
    • error ENABLE_NUMERIC_FIELD fix patch-6
    • error dumpproto/db names noname fix patch-6
    • error APPLY_MOUNT tag txt missing fix patch-6
    • error mount_upgrade tag skill missing fix patch-6
    • error ENABLE_NEW_EVENT_STRUCT GetLineHeight fix patch-7
    • error mariadb compilation fix patch-8
    • error account.sql fix engine and missing mileage field patch-8
    • error client APPLY_EXTRACT_HP_PCT misplaced patch-9
    • error movechannel uppercase fix patch-9
    • build gcc12 to clang porting patch-9
    • error map index load spam fix patch-9
    • error fix item_quest items can be used without being consumed with karma exploit patch-11
    • error MoveItem IsSamePosition patch-11
    • error DestroyLoginKey patch-11
    • error fixme170 improved patch-11
    • error fixme159 improved patch-11
    • new_releases macro MYSQL_NATIVE_PASSWORD for mysql8 patch-11
    • error CIME::SetCurPos position patch-11
    • error IsBeltInventoryPosition belt check patch-11
    • error ENABLE_NO_MOUNT_CHECK server atk damage patch-11
    • error EditLine OnPressEscapeKey return type patch-11
    • error ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_NEW_ITEM m_pSlotActiveEffectSlot3 patch-11
    • error USE_NEW_EVENT_TEXT_AUTO_Y say_item patch-11
    • new_releases Added USE_IMPROVED_PACKET_DECRYPTED_BUFFER enables a buffer for decrypting incoming packets sent at different times [ikarus] patch-12
    • error Fixed font glitch that looks like weird dots in accents [ikarus] patch-12
    • error Fixed color diffuse on disabled slots for item size 2 and 3 [ikarus] patch-12
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_CHEQUE_SYSTEM full system patch-12
    • new_releases Added DISABLE_CHEQUE_DROP to disable won drop if wanted patch-12
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_WON_EXCHANGE_WINDOW to trade won - yang directly (touch the won input in inventory to open it) patch-12
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_DB_SQL_LOG for db conf.txt to add logs via db too patch-12
    • build Adjusted some makefiles like qc patch-12
    • new_releases Added player_deleted cheque field patch-14
    • build Refactored ENABLE_ANTI_CMD_FLOOD IncreaseCount patch-14
    • error Fixed opening shops as dead players and preventing to be respawned patch-14
    • new_releases Added WonExchange with antiflood patch-14
    • error Fixed WonExchange ui for ae + translations patch-14
    • error Fixed WonExchange with FormatNumberWithDots to show the yang amount with dots patch-14
    • error Fixed not hidden "Yang" text in inventory when cheque is enabled patch-14
    • new_releases Added dots in yang when you receive them patch-14
    • error Fixed two bugs about the won converter when trading exactly 20 wons patch-15
    • error Fixed two warnings for clang 16 in freebsd 14 patch-15
    • error Fixed glitch on shopex for cheque patch-16
    • error Fixed mysql query lost by reconnecting patch-16
    • build Added asf r14 changes patch-16
    • error Fixed `__ENABLE_STEALTH_FIX__` effect init patch-16
    • error Fixed WonConverter Empty Input Error patch-16
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_MINIMAP_TELEPORT_CLICK for GMs (you can click on the minimap and automatically warp there) patch-16
    • error Fixed snprintf windows server compile error for boost 1.83 patch-16
    • error Fixed mysql80 my_bool compile error patch-16
    • error Fixed Warp Scroll issue patch-18
    • error Fixed windows server asserts patch-18
    • new_releases Added "gmake quick" option for Server/ patch-19
    • error Fixed QuestCurtain clean up patch-19
    • error Fixed mysql reconnection ResendQuery patch-20
    • delete_forever Removed experimental test_server walking patch-20
    • error Fixed accumulation for NOMOVE patch-20
    • error Fixed new clang warnings patch-21
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_DS_GRADE_MYTH for dragon soul myth patch-21
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_CONQUEROR_UI for new char status ui patch-21
    • error Fixed cheque pickup input limit glitch patch-21
    • error Fixed ENABLE_RECURSIVE_UI_DESTROY dangling windows patch-21
    • new_releases Added CButton OnMouseOverIn OnMouseOverOut event calls patch-21
    • description Added further changes
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.7 (v5-ex-r524)
    • build Refactored rand to msl::random to prevent a bug in windows (rand() max value is 65535)
    • build Extended SendPacket/Encode/write functions to autodetect the size
    • error Fixed HEADER_GC_QUEST_INFO miscalculated size (no affected bug)
    • build Refactored Item_SubType txt load
    • delete_forever Removed sms mobile
    • delete_forever Removed vcard
    • delete_forever Removed BANIP
    • delete_forever Removed BlockCountry
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_GOTO_LAG_FIX to clean up the entities after local warp
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_ITEM_PROTO_MAP to refactory the complexity of item GetTable from O(n) to O(1)
    • error Fixed the complexity of the items inside group .txt files from O(n) to O(1)
    • delete_forever Removed Lotto
    • delete_forever Removed DbString Greet
    • new_releases Added sample quests for greet messages
    • error Fixed constInfo.ENABLE_SAVE_ACCOUNT f1 key before choosing server
    • delete_forever Removed OpenID
    • error Fixed claw refine effect position and acce effect name
    • new_releases Added ImageBox mouse events
    • new_releases Added the new APPLY_ATTBONUS_{RACE|WEAPON} and RESIST_HUMAN
    • error Fixed glitch in samples/
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_EX_SYSTEM to load mount seals via c++, and mount vnum via item_proto APPLY_MOUNT
    • build Refactory of svf quest position
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_PENDANT_SYSTEM to add the pendant equip items + attribute_set
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_GLOVE_SYSTEM to add the glove equip items + attribute_set
    • error Fixed the annoying Alt+key windows system sound
    • error Fixed ENABLE_MOUSEWHEEL_EVENT mouse position
    • error Fixed movement desync when a warrior mental strong body was being attacked without moving
    • new_releases Added output path for PackMakerLite_p.bat in pack
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_MOVE_CHANNEL (channel switcher) with proper warp checks and ports automatically detected server-side (no hardcoded ports anywhere)
    • build Changed ENABLE_PASTE_FEATURE to true by default (root)
    • error Fixed mob state behavior by not picking targets if it's not IsAttackablePosition zone
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_QUIVER_SYSTEM with quiver equip (no expiration time, real_time first_use_time supported)
    • new_releases Added c++20 support for client, server (freebsd), server (windows)
    • error Fixed support to foreign keys for player.item table
    • delete_forever Removed Distribute project settings
    • new_releases Added DISABLE_WOLFMAN_ON_CREATE to disable the lycan (if enabled) in character creation phase
    • error Fixed Client/Server Compilation on Windows/FreeBSD if lycan/pendant defines are disabled patch-1
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_4TH_AFF_SKILL_DESC to fix the lycan skill plus button patch-1
    • error Fixed missing exploits I've released later patch-1
    • build Updated SVF Scripts patch-1
    • build Changed pet active socket to socket2 patch-1
    • build Fixed random refactory on poly skills patch-2
    • build Fixed talismans and gloves equipment if they had no wearflag patch-3
    • build Disabled ENABLE_NO_SELL_PRICE_DIVIDED_BY_5 by default patch-4
    • build Added _SILENCE_ALL_CXX20_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS in vsproj patch-4
    • error Fixed ENABLE_CHECK_SELL_PRICE patch-6
    • error CalcDamBonus fix patch-7
    • error v22 support with ae already added patch-8
    • error ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_EX_SYSTEM fix compute points patch-9
    • error RefreshTooltipPosition fix patch-10
    • error Delayed query innodb fix patch-10
    • error EmojiPathProcess AE patch-10
    • error ENABLE_NUMERIC_FIELD fix patch-11
    • error dumpproto/db names noname fix patch-11
    • error APPLY_MOUNT tag txt missing fix patch-11
    • error mount_upgrade tag skill missing fix patch-11
    • error mariadb compilation fix patch-12
    • error account.sql fix engine and missing mileage field patch-12
    • error client APPLY_EXTRACT_HP_PCT misplaced patch-12b
    • error movechannel uppercase fix patch-12b
    • error fix item_quest items can be used without being consumed with karma exploit patch-15
    • error MoveItem IsSamePosition patch-15
    • error DestroyLoginKey patch-15
    • error fixme170 improved patch-15
    • error fixme159 improved patch-15
    • new_releases macro MYSQL_NATIVE_PASSWORD for mysql8 patch-15
    • error CIME::SetCurPos position patch-15
    • error IsBeltInventoryPosition belt check patch-15
    • error ENABLE_NO_MOUNT_CHECK server atk damage patch-15
    • error EditLine OnPressEscapeKey return type patch-15
    • new_releases Added USE_IMPROVED_PACKET_DECRYPTED_BUFFER enables a buffer for decrypting incoming packets sent at different times [ikarus] patch-16
    • error Fixed font glitch that looks like weird dots in accents [ikarus] patch-16
    • error Fixed color diffuse on disabled slots for item size 2 and 3 [ikarus] patch-16
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_CHEQUE_SYSTEM full system patch-16
    • new_releases Added DISABLE_CHEQUE_DROP to disable won drop if wanted patch-16
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_WON_EXCHANGE_WINDOW to trade won - yang directly (touch the won input in inventory to open it) patch-16
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_DB_SQL_LOG for db conf.txt to add logs via db too patch-16
    • build Adjusted some makefiles like qc patch-16
    • new_releases Added player_deleted cheque field patch-18
    • build Refactored ENABLE_ANTI_CMD_FLOOD IncreaseCount patch-18
    • error Fixed opening shops as dead players and preventing to be respawned patch-18
    • new_releases Added WonExchange with antiflood patch-18
    • error Fixed WonExchange ui for ae + translations patch-18
    • error Fixed WonExchange with FormatNumberWithDots to show the yang amount with dots patch-18
    • error Fixed not hidden "Yang" text in inventory when cheque is enabled patch-18
    • new_releases Added dots in yang when you receive them patch-18
    • error Fixed two bugs about the won converter when trading exactly 20 wons patch-19
    • error Fixed glitch on shopex for cheque patch-20
    • error Fixed mysql query lost by reconnecting patch-20
    • error Fixed `__ENABLE_STEALTH_FIX__` effect init patch-20
    • error Fixed WonConverter Empty Input Error patch-20
    • error Fixed snprintf windows server compile error for boost 1.83 patch-20
    • error Fixed mysql80 my_bool compile error patch-20
    • new_releases Added "gmake quick" option for Server/ patch-21
    • error Fixed windows server asserts patch-21
    • error Fixed mysql reconnection ResendQuery patch-22
    • delete_forever Removed experimental test_server walking patch-22
    • error Fixed accumulation for NOMOVE patch-22
    • description Added further changes
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.6 (v5-ex-r467)
    • new_releases Added 'ma' 'ra' 'sa' regen types ('a' means aggressive)
    • new_releases Added M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER_EX EVENT_CANCEL_EX macros
    • new_releases Added another small emplace client src refactory
    • error Fixed item dupe exploit when moving items to the same slot
    • error Fixed LoadLocaleData error messages
    • error Fixed Client Blackscreen when minimized
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_LOCALE_EX macro to load from locale/ui
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_FOG_LOAD to load fog.tga (disabled by default)
    • new_releases Added python chrmgr.HasAffectByVID chrmgr.GetHorseVnumByVID chrmgr.GetMainVID
    • delete_forever Removed g_iLoadingDelayTime
    • error Fixed crc32 mismatch for client resources
    • error Fixed position of the client opening due to dropshadow style miscalculation
    • delete_forever Removed several empty lines by keeping only one of them
    • build Extended ENABLE_SKIN_EXTENDED for local_sourceskin{N} local_targetskin{N} and enabled locale_ for hair
    • delete_forever Removed unused socket3-4-5 in item table
    • error Fixed stucked online players after logout
    • error Fixed exploit in ENABLE_EMOJI_SYSTEM by loading non-image formats
    • build Ignored the __RunNextCombo warning
    • build Extended Mob Race to int32
    • build Extended Character Part to int32
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_NO_DSS_QUALIFICATION macro to disable the dss affect requirement
    • new_releases Enabled ENABLE_WHEN_PARENTHESIS to qc to enable func()[] in the .quest files
    • error Fixed db/dbrev warnings related to mysqldump
    • new_releases Enabled DISABLE_TEST_MODE_IN_CH1 to svf to have a mixed test server environment
    • error Fixed MsaMaker accumulation calculation for granny above 2.4
    • error Fixed Karma Drop dupe exploit
    • build Refactored the character inventories by removing them from the mobs (whole process ram usage reduced by 60%)
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_ACTIVE_PET_SEAL_EFFECT to show the active effect in pet seals
    • new_releases Added type and subtype in AdditionalTips (item tooltip)
    • build Refactored ENABLE_MOUSEWHEEL_EVENT
    • error Fixed client port status check for ports > 32767
    • error Fixed status glitch after using /full and /ipurge
    • new_releases Added PORT.CUSTOM info
    • error Fixed for Windows
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_GUILD_COMMENT_ANTIFLOOD macro to prevent flood in guild comments
    • build Refactored ENABLE_ANTI_CMD_FLOOD
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_NO_DAMAGE_QUEST_RUNNING macro to prevent damage to mobs when running quests (to prevent a bug where the kill trigger isn't called)
    • new_releases Added better error message for dumpproto CsvFile
    • new_releases Added constInfo.intWithCommas to add dots to numbers (1000 -> 1.000)
    • delete_forever Removed BattleArena
    • new_releases Added IsPartyInAnyDungeon to prevent exploits in dungeons with the party
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_NO_SELL_PRICE_DIVIDED_BY_5 and ENABLE_CHECK_SELL_PRICE for the item prices
    • build Refactored the color in serverinfo with constInfo.TextColor
    • description Added further changes
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.5 (v5-ex-r392)
    • description Ready to work with the Client v21.2.10 assets (supported client locales [ae/cz/dk/nl/en/fr/de/gr/hu/it/pl/pt/ro/ru/es/tr]).
    • new_releases Implemented Dragon Roar skill with target (via skill_proto).
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_SKILL_FLAG_PARTY define by separating it from ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER.
    • delete_forever Removed special_patch_acce_system.
    • build Updated .msm and npclist.txt.
    • new_releases Added the missing SKILL_ATTRIBUTE_IGNORE_BLOCK constant.
    • build Renamed __ENABLE_KILL_EVENT_FIX__ to ENABLE_KILL_EVENT_FIX. (ex-only)
    • error Fixed some unsigned mishandling of the client color functions.
    • build Changed Python2 paths into Extern/include/Python27.
    • new_releases Added constInfo.ENABLE_LOAD_EX_DATA to load some _ex.txt files.
    • new_releases Implemented ENABLE_PET_SYSTEM_EX to load the pet seals via c++ and without using
    • new_releases Added constInfo.SELECT_CHAR_NO_DELAY to speed up the select character animation.
    • new_releases Implemented ENCHANT element bonuses.
    • build Refactored slot highlight management creating a SetDiffuse method for creating colored slots.
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_MINIMAP_WHITEMARK_CIRCLE to have circle marks in the minimap instead of squares. (ex-only)
    • new_releases Added the colored scrolls functions in svfiles.
    • error Fixed minimap toggling in root.
    • error Fixed guild wars observer kill exploit.
    • error Fixed deathblow damage handling.
    • build Adjusted AdditionalTips info.
    • delete_forever Removed VTUNE leftover.
    • delete_forever Removed character update 2 packet.
    • delete_forever Removed traffic profiler.
    • delete_forever Removed hammer of tor.
    • delete_forever Removed pcbang.
    • delete_forever Removed passpod.
    • delete_forever Removed matrix.
    • delete_forever Removed openid.
    • delete_forever Removed dev_log.
    • delete_forever Removed hshield.
    • delete_forever Removed ARMADILLO NANO.
    • delete_forever Removed gameguard.
    • delete_forever Removed nprotect.
    • delete_forever Removed xtrap.
    • delete_forever Removed test files.
    • delete_forever Removed speedserver.
    • delete_forever Removed auth brazil.
    • delete_forever Removed netmarble.
    • delete_forever Removed teen server.
    • error Fixed a memory leak in the safebox while changing space size
    • new_releases Added a revised ENABLE_EXTEND_ITEM_AWARD. (ex-only)
    • error Fixed the type fields in the sql after 127.
    • new_releases Added ENABLE_SKILL_COOLDOWN_CHECK to prevent an exploit.
    • new_releases Implemented the COLLISION_TYPE_BOX.
    • error Fixed the CREATE_NO_APPROPRIATE_DEVICE bug.
    • new_releases Added a revised __ENABLE_STEALTH_FIX__ to properly hide the GM's invisibility and assassin' stealth effects. (ex-only)
    • error Fixed a crash due to custom mde files
    • error Fixed some not displayed effects due to internal miscalculation
    • error Fixed the empire select exploit
    • delete_forever Removed unused project files
    • new_releases Added better error handling while reading the protos .txt
    • build Adjusted
    • error Fixed some warnings thrown by Cython
    • new_releases Added missing constants in Client
    • error Fixed some remaining c++17/c++20 warnings
    • error Fixed the display of the incoming damage packets if you receive too many attacks
    • build Partial emplace Refactory
    • error Fixed all the unnamed structs
    • description Added further changes
  • update Svfiles Scripts v3.1
    • error Fixed some generic issues
    • new_releases Added the possibility to specify ports easier in gen_settings
  • update Svfiles Scripts v3
    • build Ported to Python3
    • build Moved baks outside main
    • new_releases Added baks/dbrev in order to revision non-user data line by line
    • new_releases Added restart option in
    • new_releases Added automatical priv set to the binaries when starting
    • new_releases Added prefix in gen_settings
  • update SourceFiles Update v10.0 Server (incoming)
    1. Currently compiling on the latest Freebsd version 64bit on 64bit mode (tested for 1 year, stable af) (freebsd 11.2, clang 6)
    2. A total refactoring of the code:
      1. Remodernized the old error prone code replacing it with the new c++17 features
      2. All the types have been standardized
      3. All the code styles have been standardized
      4. Removed much dead code such as:
        1. passpod
        2. openid
        3. teen packet
        4. auction
        5. vcard
        6. netmarble
        7. auth_brazil
        8. pcbang
        9. serverkey
        10. hshield
        11. xtrap
        12. unit tests
        13. runup matrix card quiz (securitycode)
        14. limit_time
        15. login_sim
        16. auth sms
        17. various if (false)
        18. commented code
      5. Removed many unused server defines:
        1. __AUCTION__
        2. __UNITTEST__
        3. DEBUG_ALLOC
        8. M2_USE_POOL
        9. ...others...
      6. Reduced the usage of memset by 99%
      7. Reduced the usage of raw FILE ptr by 99%
      8. Reduced the usage of value_type by 100%
      9. Sanatized all the print format arguments (and allowed check at compile-time for custom m2 print functions
      10. Disabled all the unused arguments from the functions
      11. Wrapped many raw pointers using smart pointers
    3. Developed a plugin system to allow developers to write unstealable code on my source files
    4. New server constants:
      1. EVENT_MOB_RATE_LIMIT [int] //the maximum value settable for the mob_rate event (1000 default)
      2. PRIV_EMPIRE_RATE_LIMIT [int] //the maximum rate value settable for the priv empire (200 default)
      3. PRIV_EMPIRE_TIME_LIMIT [int] //the maximum time value settable for the priv empire (1 week default)
      4. PRIV_GUILD_RATE_LIMIT [int] //the maximum rate value settable for the priv guild (50 default)
      5. PRIV_GUILD_TIME_LIMIT [int] //the maximum time value settable for the priv guild (1 week default)
      6. PRIV_PLAYER_RATE_LIMIT [int] //the maximum rate value settable for the priv player (100 default)
    5. New server fixes:
      1. ...a lots more...
    6. New miscellaneous changes:
      1. Db and DumpProto now read the .txt proto flags from .json
      2. ...a lots more...
    7. New Server Extern upgrades:
      1. --- main ---
      2. boost 1.68.0 (all-minimal)
      3. cryptopp 7.0.0
      4. IL
      5. libjpeg 9c
      6. lzo 2.10
      7. minilzo 2.10
      8. --- additional ---
      9. libfmt 5.1.0
      10. optionparser 1.7
      11. rapidjson 1.1.0
      12. msl (latest)
    8. New lua functions:
      1. every lua function with 0 has an alias without it
    9. New defines:
      1. ENABLE_QUEST_BOOT_EVENT //add quest event "boot" triggered when the game starts up
    10. ...list to be completed...
  • update SourceFiles Update v10.0.1465 Client (Unreleased)
    1. Removed defines:
    2. Added defines:
      1. ENABLE_WHISPER_TEXT_ITALIC //whisper from gm will have italic text
      2. ENABLE_PACK_TYPE_MCSP //to read the new official packs/protos packed with snappy compression
    3. implemented official r171 item_proto struct
    4. added new unk types in dumpproto.json
  • update SourceFiles Update v10.0.1441 Client
    1. Added defines:
      1. ENABLE_NO_PICKUP_LIMIT //if enabled, there will be no 0.5s of delay when picking up items with keyboard (\\z)
    2. fixed some compilation issues when disabling some defines
    3. cleared more dead code
    4. localeinfo uiscriptlocale refactory
    5. missing jewel 17570 in root
    6. system cython pack.Exist fixed n cleaned
    7. vs2019 compatibility n \\z fixes
    8. client compilation with /o2 and /inline
    9. ENABLE_NO_RECV_GAME_LIMIT is now being rewritten and turned into a @warme
    10. integrated v4 sql queries
    11. integrated v4 ENABLE_CRASH_MINIDUMP as alternative to ENABLE_CRASHRPT
    12. integrated v4 ENABLE_SEQUENCE_SYSTEM
    13. integrated v4 cryptopp 8.2
    14. root fix items with no remain time were showing "remain time 0" in shops
    15. a lot more fixes
  • update SourceFiles Update v10.0.1394 Client
    1. Removed unused defines:
      2. __MAKE_PACK__
    2. m_pWorkMem refactory
  • update SourceFiles Update v10.0.1389 Client (some details may be missing)
    1. A total refactoring of the code:
      1. Remodernized the old error prone code replacing it with the new c++17 features
      2. All the types have been standardized
      3. All the code styles have been standardized
      4. Removed much dead code such as:
        1. passpod
        2. openid
        3. teen packet
        4. auction
        5. vcard
        6. netmarble
        7. auth_brazil
        8. pcbang
        9. serverkey
        10. hshield
        11. xtrap
        12. unit tests
        13. newcibn
        14. runup matrix quiz card (securitycode)
        15. limit_time
        16. login_sim
        17. auth sms
        18. various if (false)
        19. commented code
        20. main args -hackshield -perf_game_update -newpatch
      5. Removed many unused defines:
        1. __20040725_CAMERA_WORK__
        2. __ATTACK_SPEED_CHECK__
        3. __AUCTION__
        4. __IS_TEST_SERVER_MODE__
        5. __PERFORMANCE_CHECK__
        7. __THEMIDA__
        8. __UNITTEST__
        9. __VTUNE__
        10. __WINDOW_LEAK_CHECK__
        11. _PACKETDUMP
        12. _TEST
        13. ATTACK_TIME_LOG
        15. GAIDEN
        21. USE_OPENID
        22. USE_SPEEDGRASS
      6. Reduced the usage of memset by 99%
      7. Reduced the usage of raw FILE ptr by 99%
      8. Reduced the usage of value_type by 100%
      9. Sanatized all the print format arguments (and allowed check at compile-time for custom m2 print functions
      10. Disabled all the unused arguments from the functions
      11. Wrapped many raw pointers using smart pointers
    2. New client defines:
      1. ENABLE_ATLAS_MARK_INFO_LOAD // enable atlas mark info load (disabled by default)
      2. ENABLE_CRASHRPT // all client crashes are handled by crashrpt2 instead of errorlog
      3. ENABLE_GRANNY_STATIC // granny2.9/2.11 can be included statically (granny2.dll no more required)
      4. ENABLE_NO_PVP_PULLING_EFFECT // it removes pvp pulling effect (experimental; disabled by default)
      5. ENABLE_NO_RECV_GAME_LIMIT // it totally removes status/mount/item/equip/skill lag, and much more!
      6. ENABLE_RETRY_CONNECT // retry to reconnect to server after one second for three times
      7. ENABLE_SINGLETON_INFORMATION // it prints a message if the singleton is not initialized (enabled on debug target)
      8. ENABLE_SYSERR_BY_PID // create syserr-{pid}.txt instead of syserr.txt (disabled by default)
      9. ENABLE_WINDOW_RESET_AUTOATTACK // autoattack is stopped when switching windows (disabled by default)
    3. New fixes:
      1. __DEBUG__ macro fixed (IsDebugMode in root is now handled correctly)
      2. the camera rotation handle will now be released when switching/minimizing the client window
      3. "CREATE_NO_APPROPRIATE_DEVICE" bug related to screen resolution (but not drivers) fixed
      4. "RESOURCE NOT SUPPORTED" now treated as normal log
    4. New Client Extern upgrades:
      1. --- main ---
      2. boost 1.68.0 (all-minimal)
      3. cryptopp 7.0.0
      4. granny2 (2.4 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.11 + static 2.9 2.11)
      5. IL
      6. libjpeg 9c
      7. lzo 2.10
      8. minilzo 2.10
      9. python2 (2.7.15) (removed 2.2.3) (token macros disabled)
      10. --- additional ---
      11. libfmt 5.1.0
      12. optionparser 1.7
      13. rapidjson 1.1.0
      14. msl (latest)
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.4 (v5-ex-r283)
    1. Added ENABLE_ACCE_COSTUME_SYSTEM huge refactory (ex only)
    2. Added USE_ACCE_ABSORB_WITH_NO_NEGATIVE_BONUS to absorb negative bonus (ex only)
    3. Added with constants
    4. Fixed input buffer exploit
    5. Fixed WEAR_MAX_NUM repeated constant
    6. Added ENABLE_QUEST_BOOT_EVENT when boot begin trigger when game starts
    7. Fixed TChannelStatus when port was higher than 35565
    8. Added ENABLE_QUEST_DND_EVENT when itemvnum.dnd begin trigger to create scrolls via quest
    9. Added pc.send_whisper to send scripted whispers via quest
    10. Added to send scripted talks to npc via quest
    11. Added ENABLE_HAIR_SPECULAR to add specular to specific hair shapes
    12. Added ENABLE_DISCORD_RPC with lycan support and improved map info
    13. Moved Python2 to Python27 in Extern
    14. Added CPP17 in Client source, CPP20 in Server source (CPP14 only if server is compiled on Windows)
    15. Fixed Precompiled Headers on all projects
    16. Added MultiProcessing compilation by default on all projects
    17. Switched server compiler to gcc10
    18. Fixed a bug that could provide rewards for mobs killed via quest (e.g. npc.kill d.kill_area)
    19. Fixed a bug where the stone drops could be calculated with an out of range error
    20. Upgraded Character Part from word to dword limit of 65535 (this affects acce in ex too)
    21. Refactored DirectQuery with UniquePtr to prevent memory leaks from the start
    22. Removed client filters for clearing up
    23. Refactored mysql connect with UniquePtr to remove memory leaks while reconnecting
    24. Improved buffer size to prevent more ugly dc if there are many entities
    25. Fixed a bug in taskbar to open the chat via button like old days
    26. Added a customizable quick save account on root
    27. Fixed the 15s limit at rewarp for the Shout chat
    28. Adjusted exp debug formula in a single line
    29. Fixed a glitch in ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_NEW_ITEM if you already owned the items
    30. Reworked ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_SYSTEM in order to read the bonus (itemAttr) and mountId (Value4) from item_proto
    31. Changed MINIMAP_POSITIONINFO_ENABLE in constInfo, it's now enabled by default
    32. Added missing python item flag constants
    33. Added chr.IsGameMaster(0) to check in python if you are a gm
    34. Fixed comstumewindow slot rendering glitch for mount and acce slots
    35. Added Emoji and AdditionalTips in tooltips (item vnum and sockets if you're gm, shift+click if item is stackable)
    36. Fixed memory leak in Safebox while resizing the grid
    37. Updated Svfiles v3.1
    38. Cleared some files
    39. Fixed some regressions
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.3 (v5-ex-r202)
    1. Added ENABLE_ITEM_RARE_ATTR_LEVEL_PCT (item_attr_rare lvl1-5 will be considered instead of lvl5 only)
    3. Fixed uitooltip skillPower calc
    4. Fixed friendlist double delete
    5. Fixed mythical peach check
    6. Fixed mineral slots check
    7. Improved FCountMonster stability
    8. Improved FNotice stability
    9. Fixed not important pickup range issue
    10. Fixed Quest timer core crash
    11. Fixed ClearMountAttributeAndAffect core crash
    12. Added PostBuildEvent the launcher will be copied to debug path if specified
    13. Added ENABLE_EMOJI_SYSTEM load from multiple paths
    14. Updated Svfiles v3
    15. Cleared some files
    16. Fixed some regressions
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.2.2 (v5-ex-r187)
    1. Added automatical set of privs to game db when starting the server
    2. Added prefix to svfiles and database
    3. Added further fixes for accumulation error
    4. Fixed horse level glitch if no job is set
    5. Fixed some regressions
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.2 (v5-ex-r177)
    1. Added colored
    2. Added the old and missing 5th bonus color in tooltip
    3. Added the missing README-SCRIPT.txt
    4. Added a sample in order to drop polymorph items
    5. Added a non-0 alias to every new lua function (e.g. guild.get_id0 -> guild.get_id; both are available)
    6. Added a sample web_user.sql
    7. Added every missing data/monster + folder fix so far
    8. Changed the magic numbers into enums in CItemData
    9. Changed client and server defines ENABLE_NO_MOUNT_CHECK and enabled by default
    10. Fix 70107 tooltip
    11. Fix exchange digit length
    12. Fix some compiling errors/warnings
    13. Fix some tooltip issues when time expires
    14. New define ENABLE_TP_SPEED_CHECK //in order to disable the teleport speed check if disabled
    15. New lua function npc.get_type0
    16. Removed some useless comments
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.1 (v5-ex-r154)
    1. ENABLE_ATLASINFO_FROM_ROOT enabled by default
    2. new define ENABLE_LOAD_ITEM_LIST_FROM_ROOT //load item_list.txt from root
    3. new define ENABLE_NUMERIC_FIELD //txt protos now can read numbers instead of tags as well
    4. Protos/txt/msm updated to v20.2.5 client
    5. Patches in pack renamed as "special_patch_XXX"
    6. Remain fixes for svfiles script ported to python3
    7. Fix acce position when mounting (ex-only)
    8. Fix acce slot effects at rewarp (ex-only)
    9. Implemented sash official item_scale.txt format (ex-only)
    10. Acce display fix (85000+/86000+) (ex-only)
    11. Acce Absorb calculation fix (ex-only)
  • update SourceFiles Update v5.0 (v5-ex-r131)
    1. Removed every korean comment
    2. Improved packet speed
    3. Fixed missing some hair icons in tooltip
    4. Fixed costume/hair downer
    5. Fixed items with weird size (e.g.)
    6. Fixed windows server compilation (again)
    7. Fixed windows server skill display (old bug)
    8. Fixed some broken snprintf
    9. Removed AUCTION
    10. Rewritten acce's slot management (ex-only)
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.89 (v4-ex-r88 is based on this rev)
    2. ENABLE_NO_PICKUP_LIMIT from v10
    4. New fixes:
      1. fixed fixme138 when compiling server on windows
      2. fixed PyLong_AsUnsignedLong causing glitches in rare occasions
      3. vs2019 pragma warning fix
      4. __DEBUG__ root fix
      5. vs2019 \\z fix
      6. fix player.item window query tag
    5. New miscellaneous stuff:
      1. exptable n privsettings with myisam
      2. new waits for ./db to stop before exiting
      3. client compiled with /o2 and /inline
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.72 (Unreleased)
    1. ENABLE_ITEMAWARD_REFRESH is enabled by default
    2. ENABLE_NEWGUILDMAKE is disabled by default
    3. New fixes:
      1. missing checks for mythical peach
      2. missing condition on special mineral slots
      3. FCountMonster was also counting horses and pets
      4. FNotice was sending ChatPackets to even non-player characters
    4. New miscellaneous stuff:
      1. removed PREMIUMCHAN define
      2. symlink s3llsrcall to s3ll_server
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.65
    1. updated readmes and placed the 4 repos in a single one
    2. added some missing fixes
    3. client fix to allow .png textures
    4. server fix for unnamed timers
    5. server define ENABLE_MOUNT_ENTITY_REFRESH for sync workaround
    6. new lua functions syserr2 syslog2 for server_timer usage
    7. Cryptopp client upgraded to 8.2.0
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.40
    1. Server now compilable on freebsd 12 with gcc8
    2. Client now compilable with visual studio 2019
    3. fixed some crashes in dump_proto
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.32 (fixing it up)
    1. Now compilable on native freebsd clang compiler
    2. server mysql_hash_password issue fixed for windows
    3. Cryptopp upgraded to 8.1.0
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.30
    1. New define:
      1. ENABLE_CRASH_MINIDUMP // it will generate a debuggable client\logs\m2client_{version}_{date}.dmp file instead of "??????"
    2. New miscellaneous stuff:
      1. linking warning 4099 fix
      2. removed VTune MfcDebug MfcRelease targets
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.26
    1. New define:
      1. ENABLE_SEQUENCE_SYSTEM // it enables the sequence system
    2. New fixes:
      1. fix of underflow exp formula on very rare specific cases (which gives 10% of exp)
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.12
    1. fixed mysql2proto and dumpproto compilation with mfc not installed
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.10
    1. fixed server compilation on vs2017 (as .exe)
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.8
    1. compilable on freebsd 12.0 32bit using gcc6
    2. libserverkey removed
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.6
    1. compilable on freebsd 11.2 32bit using gcc6
    2. Extern updated:
      1. libdevil gcc6 i386
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.4
    1. gcc 6.3.0
    2. c++11 full support
    3. Extern updated:
      1. boost-1.68
      2. cryptopp-7.0.0
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9.2
    1. Extern updated:
      1. boost-1.67
      2. cryptopp-5.6.5 (7.0.0 is out)
      3. IL-
      4. lzo-2.10
      5. libjpeg-9c
      6. granny2 (2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.11)
      7. python2 (2.7)
      8. rapidjson (for mysql2proto)
      9. libmysql (for mysql2proto)
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.9
    1. Extern updated:
      1. boost-1.66 (1.67 is out)
      2. cryptopp-5.6.5 (7.0.0 is out)
      3. IL-
      4. lzo-2.10
      5. libjpeg-9c
      6. granny2 (2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.11)
      7. python2 (2.2, 2.7)
      8. rapidjson (for mysql2proto)
      9. libmysql (for mysql2proto)
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.8
    1. VS2017 fully supported
    2. Granny2.11 fully supported
    3. Mob Proto struct r275 fully supported
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.7
    1. New fixes:
      1. Lycan will now load another alternative wait.msa as well like the official
      2. The Dragon Soul was "unpromptingly" unequipping the ds stone if drag&dropped on inventory/other ds equipped slots
      3. The Dragon Soul was replacing the destination pos's ds slot, if not empty, when unequipping
      4. If the first slot of the Dragon Soul's sub inventory wasn't empty, the trade would fail as "not enough space in inventory" if ds stones of the same kind were present in the exchange
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.6
    1. New define:
      1. ENABLE_CMD_WARP_IN_DUNGEON // /warp [player] will warp successfully even if the player is inside a dungeon (be sure a .quest login event won't still warp you out)
    2. New fixes:
      1. when refreshing (e.g. turning on/off sura's magic blade and dark protection), the activated and cooltimed slots in the skill page (V) were removed
      2. it didn't allow deviltower's multiple refine attempts
      3. pets with hp bonus were refilling improperly the hp after refreshing (e.g. mounting/unmounting)
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.5
    1. New fixes
      1. ShopEx button glitch
      2. MakePack Extract crash
      3. mount seals' wrong socket
      4. empire kill over lvl99
      5. /all_skill_master skill overflow
      6. another doubling affect bug
      7. oxevent attender list not cleared
    2. New Lua functions:
      1. horse.set_stat0
      2. pc.getf2
      3. pc.setf2
      4. chat_in_map0
      5. cmdchat_in_map0
      6. syschat_in_map0
      7. d.kill_area
    3. New Defines:
      1. ENABLE_INFINITE_HORSE_HEALTH_STAMINA // the horse won't lose health nor stamina
      2. ENABLE_NEW_ATLAS_MARK_INFO // for the new locale/map/point.txt
      3. ENABLE_TEXT_LEVEL_REFRESH // it will refresh the level after a levelup
      4. ENABLE_ITEM_ATTR_COSTUME // it will add costume_body, costume_hair, costume_weapon for item_attr/_rare
    4. New Configs:
      1. PROXY_IP [ip] // to specify the real ip in which the player will log in (without leaking the public ip); used for servers behind proxies, servers under nat or simply locale/noip/hamachi servers
    5. Miscellaneous:
      1. Updated the official client assets to the v17.1 update (dated 2017/05/20)
      2. The and have been updated with the most recent pets/mounts as well.
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.4
    1. New client defines:
      1. WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO //enable mob info update for showing the mob lvl and the asterisk in name if aggro (ENABLE_SHOW_MOBAIFLAG and ENABLE_SHOW_MOBLEVEL)
    2. New root defines:
      1. WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO implemented via app.WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO
    3. New root functions:
      1. systemSetting.IsShowMobAIFlag
      2. systemSetting.SetShowMobAIFlag
      3. systemSetting.IsShowMobLevel
      4. systemSetting.SetShowMobLevel
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.3
    1. Miscellaneous:
      1. The new mob_proto r263 struct (brazil only) is now supported in launcher, DumpProtoReMIX and Mysql2Proto.
      2. Added the source files of Tools/Mysql2Proto in the repositories.
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.2
    1. dump_proto has been replaced to DumpProto ReMIX:
      1. All the item_proto/mob_proto official structures (2007~2016) are automatically detected and supported without recompiling (if ENABLE_PROTOSTRUCT_AUTODETECT is defined in Client)
    2. Removed old dump_proto defines:
      1. ENABLE_NEW_MOB_PROTO_STRUCT_20141125 // it enables the new MOB_RESIST_BLEEDING field implemented inside the client-side mob_proto (dump/repack 100% ok)
      2. ENABLE_NEW_MOB_PROTO_STRUCT_20151020 // it enables the new MOB_RESIST_CLAW field and other stuff inside the client-side mob_proto
      3. ENABLE_NEW_ITEM_PROTO_STRUCT_20160129 // it enables a new wearflag field inside the client-side item_proto
      4. USE_NEW_MOB_PROTO_STRUCT_20141125_ONLY_WHEN_UNPACKING //if 20141125 struct is enabled, it will dump to .txt as old structure, but pack as new one
      5. USE_NEW_MOB_PROTO_STRUCT_20151020_ONLY_WHEN_UNPACKING //if 20151020 struct is enabled, it will dump to .txt as old structure, but pack as new one
      6. USE_NEW_ITEM_PROTO_STRUCT_20160129_ONLY_WHEN_UNPACKING //if 20160129 struct is enabled, it will dump to .txt as old structure, but pack as new one
  • update SourceFiles Update v4.1
    1. New defines:
      1. ENABLE_PROTOSTRUCT_AUTODETECT // if enabled, all the item_proto/mob_proto official structures (2007~2016) are automatically detected and supported without recompiling
    2. Removed old client defines:
      1. ENABLE_NEW_MOB_PROTO_STRUCT_20141125 // it enables the new MOB_RESIST_BLEEDING field implemented inside the client-side mob_proto (dump/repack 100% ok)
      2. ENABLE_NEW_MOB_PROTO_STRUCT_20151020 // it enables the new MOB_RESIST_CLAW field and other stuff inside the client-side mob_proto
      3. ENABLE_NEW_ITEM_PROTO_STRUCT_20160129 // it enables a new wearflag field inside the client-side item_proto
    3. An official-compatible Client 17.0 with the following things:
      1. lycan 100% implemented
      2. type 3-4-5 removed from patch2, and m2_patch_XXX packs
      3. it contains every asset the official client has until now
    4. Official mob_proto, and item_proto 17.0 either .txt or .sql:
      1. Note: You can always extract updated .sql or .txt from the official client locales using my DumpProto or Mysql2Proto by yourself
  • update SourceFiles Update v3.9
    1. New fixes for root:
      1. more precise logs will be printed in case of uiscript load failure
    2. New defines:
      1. ENABLE_CMD_IPURGE_EX // /ipurge 2nd arg can remove items from a specific window (inv/equip/ds/belt/all)

        For example, doing `/ipurge inventory` or simply `/ip inv`, you will just delete all the items from the inventory, but not in the ds/belt/equip

      2. ENABLE_GM_FLAG_IF_TEST_SERVER //show the gm flag if it's on test server mode
      3. ENABLE_GM_FLAG_FOR_LOW_WIZARD //show the gm flag for low wizard too
      4. ENABLE_CANSEEHIDDENTHING_FOR_GM //enable gm to see invisible characters (both normal semi-transparent and gm invisibility)
  • update SourceFiles Update v3.8
    1. New fixes:
      1. map/index crash if it has no newline in the end fix
      2. guild_add_member exploit fix
      3. player.myshop_pricelist corrupted data fix
      4. myshop_pricelist primary key duplication error fix
      5. ramadan candy item can be used even if the relative affect is still up
      6. type quest, special, attr not handled in ConvSpecialDropItemFile (doing /special_item, special_item_group_vnum.txt will be now generated perfectly)
      7. prevent item module swapping if the quest is suspended (important!)
    2. New defines:
    3. Miscellaneous:
      1. USE_CHANGE_COSTUME_ATTR, USE_RESET_COSTUME_ATTR item types implemented
  • update SourceFiles Update v3.???
    1. Miscellaneous:
      1. new dice functions for lua
      2. data/pc|pc2|pc3 mse files
      3. missing lua global funcs in the list
      4. new sample quests for the dice functions
  • update SourceFiles Update v2.???
    1. ???
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.9
    1. List of new client fixes:
      1. non-printing/control characters not more printed in the (chat) input (the ones you get when you press Ctrl+[key] in game)
      2. on arabic locales, the [HyperText code] (alias Prism code) not more editable pressing [Backspace]
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.8
    1. List of server fixes:
      1. random crashes if mob's hp is 0
      2. now, when a player dies, his HP will be set as 0 instead of having a negative number
    2. List of new lua functions:
      1. pc.set_race0(race=[0. Warrior, 1. Ninja, 2. Sura, 3. Shaman, 4. Lycan]) // [return nothing]
      2. pc.give_random_book0([race]) // it gives a random skill book; if race is specified, the book will be for such race // [return nothing]
      3. quest.get_current_quest_name0() // [return lua string]
    3. List of new miscellaneous things:
      1. /warp /transfer /item /mob will print arg1 in case of unsuccessfulness
    4. List of client fixes:
      1. hyper link graphic issue with 6-7 bonuses
      2. crash issues when pasting non-text data (if you specifically enable ctrl+v in client)
    5. List of client defines:
      1. ENABLE_ATLASINFO_FROM_ROOT // if enabled, the atlasinfo.txt will be read from root instead of the relative locale
    6. Miscellaneous:
      1. Compatibility with Cython (rootlib & uiscriptlib)
    7. A clear and complete root with the following things:
      1. Based on the last official roots before being cythonized
      2. Compatibility with Cython (rootlib & uiscriptlib)
      3. Lycan implemented via app.ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER
      4. 5th character per account implemented via app.ENABLE_PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5
      5. Level in trade implemented via app.ENABLE_LEVEL_IN_TRADE
      6. Additional constants inside
        1. ENABLE_RANDOM_CHANNEL_SEL // if enabled, it won't set a random channel when you open the client
        2. ENABLE_CLEAN_DATA_IF_FAIL_LOGIN // if enabled, it won't remove id&pass if the login attempt fails
        3. ENABLE_PASTE_FEATURE // if enabled, ctrl+v will work
        4. ENABLE_FULLSTONE_DETAILS // if enabled, it displays all the bonuses added by a stone instead of the first one
        5. ENABLE_REFINE_PCT // enable successfulness % in the refine dialog
      7. General fixes:
        1. Leadership skill (guide)'s tooltip fix
        2. old_open unreadable files issue
        3. undeclared timeOutMsg variable fix
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.7
    1. List of new server defines:
      1. ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER // it enables the wolfman character and its own sub-defines:
        1. USE_LYCAN_CREATE_POSITION // if enabled, the lycan will be warped to his own village at character creation
        2. USE_MOB_BLEEDING_AS_POISON // if enabled, the mob_proto structure won't change and the bleeding % will be get from the poison field
        3. USE_MOB_CLAW_AS_DAGGER // if enabled, the mob_proto structure won't change and the claw % will be get from the dagger field
    2. List of new skill_proto flags:
      1. PARTY // the skill will be applied to all the near party's members, or just the player itself if alone
      2. ATTACK_BLEEDING // the skill will inflict the bleeding malus
    3. List of new affects:
      1. BLEEDING
    4. List of new bonuses:
      5. RESIST_CLAW
    5. List of new commands:
      1. /set [name] [field] [value] (added 'race', 'sex' and 'job' fields + help list)
      2. /poison [name] (the specified player will get poison)
      3. /bleeding [name] (the specified player will get bleeding)
    6. List of new lua functions:
      1. d.get_damage_from_race(vid) // [return lua number]
      2. d.get_damage_from_affect(vid) // [return lua table]
      3. d.unset_damage_from_race(flag, vid) // [return nothing]
      4. d.unset_damage_from_affect(flag, vid) // [return nothing]
      5. pc.if_bleeding() // is_flag [return lua boolean]
      6. pc.sf_bleeding(bool) // set_flag [return nothing]
    7. List of new CONFIG options:
      1. GM_HOST_CHECK [0-1] // enable the gm host check based on ip (unchecked by default)
      2. GUILD_INVITE_LIMIT [0-1] // if enabled, the guild can invite new members only after an amount of time (not enabled by default)
      3. GUILD_INFINITE_MEMBERS [0-1] // if enabled, every guild can have infinite members (not enabled by default)
      4. EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_CHECK [0-1] // if enabled, you won't need to read language books or have the relative ring to understand other empires
    8. List of new server miscellaneous things:
      1. Bandage (27124) item implemented
      2. Poison Bottle (27996) now poisons on use
      3. SpecialItemGroup "bleeding" type implemented
    9. List of new client defines:
      1. ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER // it enables the wolfman character
      2. ENABLE_LEVEL_IN_TRADE // it enables the functions to show the target level in the trade dialog
    10. List of new python constants:
      7. chr.MOTION_MODE_CLAW
      9. chr.AFFECT_BLEEDING
      12. item.WEAPON_MOUNT_SPEAR
      13. item.WEAPON_CLAW
      15. item.ANTIFLAG_WOLFMAN
      17. item.APPLY_BLEEDING_PCT
      20. item.APPLY_RESIST_CLAW
    11. List of new python functions:
      1. exchange.GetLevelFromSelf()
      2. exchange.GetLevelFromTarget()
    12. List of new client miscellaneous things:
      1. new event motion types 11-12 workable
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.6
    1. List of new lua functions:
      1. oxevent.get_oxquiz_fn() // it returns the name of the oxquiz file to load [return lua string]
      2. oxevent.set_oxquiz_fn(string pathfile) // it sets the name of the oxquiz file to load starting from locale path [return nothing]
      3. oxevent.set_oxquiz_fn0(string pathfile) // it sets the name of the oxquiz file to load [return nothing]
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.5
    1. New server fixes:
      1. blocked sync packets sendable to everyone hack
      2. wrong checks on normal chat buf
      3. pc.mount_bonus bypass checks issue
    2. New server defines:
      1. ENABLE_CHECK_GHOSTMODE // dead people won't be able to move
    3. New server event flags:
      1. no_drop_metin_stone [0-1] // if enabled, metin stones won't drop the default spiritual stones
      2. no_mount_at_guild_war [0-1] // if enabled, horses/mounts can't be used inside guild war maps
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.4
    1. New server defines:
      1. ENABLE_ANTI_CMD_FLOOD //limit player's command execution to 10 commands per second, otherwise it'll be disconnected!
      2. ENABLE_QUEST_DIE_EVENT //add quest event "die"
    2. New server event flags:
      1. buysell_limit_time [time_in_secs] // the players will be able to buy/sell stuff every XXX seconds as specified (default=0=no limits)
    3. List of new lua functions:
      1. d.is_available0 // it checks whether the d.* functions are available or not [return lua boolean]
      2. item.is_available0 // it checks whether the item.* functions are available or not [return lua boolean]
      3. npc.is_available0 // it checks whether the npc.* functions are available or not [return lua boolean]
      4. pc.is_available0 // it checks whether the pc.* functions are available or not [return lua boolean]
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.3
    1. New server fixes:
      1. unsummoning azrael pets out of dungeons won't decrease the relative hp/mp gauge bar anymore (if you have max hp/mp as bonuses in the seal as default)
      2. messenger_auth flood hack
    2. New server defines:
      1. MAP_ALLOW_LIMIT [int] //define how many maps are allowed per game core (default 32)
      2. ENABLE_BLOCK_CMD_SHORTCUT //if enabled, people won't be able to shorten commands
      3. ENABLE_FULL_NOTICE //enable new big notice features
    3. List of new commands:
      1. /big_notice //now global like /notice
      2. /big_notice_map //big notice that works like /notice_map
      3. /notice_test //notice printed only to the player himself
      4. /big_notice_test //big notice printed only to the player himself
    4. List of new lua functions:
      1. big_notice // [return nothing]
      2. big_notice_all // [return nothing]
      3. big_notice_in_map // [return nothing]
    5. List of new adminpage commands:
      1. BIG_NOTICE [text] //like NOTICE [text]
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.2
    1. New server event flags:
      1. gold_drop_limit_time [time_in_secs] // the players will be able to drop a piece of yang/gold every XXX seconds as specified (default=0=no limits) (NB: by ymir)
      2. item_drop_limit_time [time_in_secs] // the players will be able to drop a piece of item every XXX seconds as specified (default=0=no limits)
      3. box_use_limit_time [time_in_secs] // the players will be able to open boxes every XXX seconds as specified (default=0=no limits)
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.1
    1. New client defines:
      1. ENABLE_PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5 // enable 5 characters per account
    2. Updated server defines:
      1. ENABLE_CHAT_SPAMLIMIT // limit chat spam to 4 messages for 5 seconds, if you spam it for 10 times, you'll be disconnected! (updated behavior)
    3. New server defines:
      1. ENABLE_WHISPER_CHAT_SPAMLIMIT // limit whisper chat to 10 messages per 5 seconds, otherwise you'll be disconnected!
      2. ENABLE_PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5 // enable 5 characters (per account) in the select phase (instead of 4)
      3. ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY // block db_port, p2p_port, and remote adminpage exploits
  • update SourceFiles Update v1.0
    1. New client defines:
      1. ENABLE_MILES_CHECK //check miles files to prevent mss32.dll exploit before load them
      2. ENABLE_PYLIB_CHECK //check python lib files to prevent exploit before load them
    2. New dump_proto defines:
      1. ENABLE_NEW_MOB_PROTO_STRUCT_20141125 //it enables the new field implemented inside the client-side mob_proto (dump/repack 100% ok)
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.9
    1. Server fixes:
      1. all the new mounts can now inflict skill damage if they should (like official)
    2. Client fixes:
      1. "SEQUENCE mismatch 0xaf != 0x64 header 254" fix
      2. all the new mounts can now attack/skill if they should (like official)
    3. Client defines:
      1. ENABLE_LOAD_ALTER_ITEMICON //load a default item icon if the one inside the item_list.txt is missing
      2. ENABLE_NO_MOUNT_CHECK //enable attack and skill from all horses/mounts
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.8
    1. Alternative CONFIG options:
      1. SHOP_PRICE_3X_TAX [0-1] // alternative (1 as default)
      2. CHANGE_ATTR_TIME_LIMIT [0-1] // alternative (1 as default)
      3. PRISM_ITEM_REQUIRE [0-1] // alternative (1 as default)
      4. GLOBAL_SHOUT [0-1] // alternative (0 as default)
      5. EMOTION_MASK_REQUIRE [0-1] // alternative (1 as default)
      6. BOOTARY_CHECK [0-1] // alternative (0 as default)
    2. New CONFIG options:
      1. DB_LOG_LEVEL [0-1] // set which log information to save inside the database log (3 as default) (0=none, 1=fews, 2=many, 3=all)
      2. ITEM_DESTROY_TIME_AUTOGIVE [0-MAXINT] // set the destroy time for the autogive items (from boxes if inventory is full and so on) spawned (on the ground) (300 as default)
      3. ITEM_DESTROY_TIME_DROPITEM [0-MAXINT] // set the destroy time for the items dropped by the players (300 as default)
      4. ITEM_DESTROY_TIME_DROPGOLD [0-MAXINT] // set the destroy time for the gold (yang) dropped by the players (150 as default)
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.7
    1. Tools/MSAMaker with the following features:
      1. Clean
      2. Usable for granny 2.4/2.7/2.9 models
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.6
    1. List of server defines:
      1. ENABLE_AUTODETECT_VNUMRANGE //if protos are loaded from db, it will automatically detect the vnum range for ds items without requiring an extra vnum_range field
      2. ENABLE_EFFECT_EXTRAPOT //enable extrapot effects when using green/purple potions
      3. ENABLE_EFFECT_PENETRATE //enable penetrate effect when performing a penetration
      4. ENABLE_BOOKS_STACKFIX //enable stackable books instead of remove all the pile
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.5
    1. New client fix:
      1. added check for npc_pet folder to see the new pets
    2. New dump_proto fix:
      1. it can now extract the packed protos into .txt again!
    3. New lua functions:
      1. guild.get_exp_level0(level) // get how much exp is necessary for such [level] [return lua number]
      2. guild.offer_exp0(exp) // give player's [exp] to guild [return lua boolean=successfulness]
      3. guild.give_exp0(exp) // give [exp] to guild [return nothing]
    4. Tools/DBManager with the following features:
      1. clean
      2. new types included (ds, belt, bleeding, wolfman, claws, etc)
      3. fixed nnheader issue
      4. fixed truncated fields issues
      5. fixed vnum_range (automatically detected)
      6. created a to easily do a .txt-to-db and db-to-.txt proto conversion 100% lossless
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.4
    1. Miscellaneous
      1. 100% workable wolfman/5th race (as ymir's like)
      2. tools/dump_proto clean&translated
      3. tools/packmaker clean&translated
      4. extra
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.3
    1. List of server fixes:
      1. lovepoints overflow
      2. affect hack at login
    2. List of server defines:
      1. ENABLE_NEWEXP_CALCULATION //recalculate exp rate so you won't get random negative exp/marriage points
      2. ENABLE_CHAT_LOGGING //enable chat logging (which saves all the gm chats)
    3. List of client defines:
      1. ENABLE_SKIN_EXTENDED //extended source/targetskin[2-9] inside .msm
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.2
    1. List of server fixes:
      1. disband and withdraw guild time limit problem if player is offline
    2. List of new conf.txt options:
      1. MIRROR2DB = 1/0 // convert .txt protos to .sql ones
    3. List of new lua functions:
      1. pc.equip_slot0(cell) // [return lua boolean: successfulness]
      2. pc.unequip_slot0(cell) // [return lua boolean: successfulness]
      3. guild.get_id0() // get guild id [return lua number]
      4. guild.get_sp0() // get guild sp [return lua number]
      5. guild.get_maxsp0() // get guild maxsp [return lua number]
      6. guild.get_money0() // get money guild [return lua number]
      7. guild.get_max_member0() // get max joinable members [return lua number]
      8. guild.get_total_member_level0() // get the sum of all the members' level [return lua number]
      9. guild.has_land0() // get whether guild has a land or not [return lua boolean]
      10. guild.get_win_count0() // get guild wins [return lua number]
      11. guild.get_draw_count0() // get guild draws [return lua number]
      12. guild.get_loss_count0() // get guild losses [return lua number]
      13. guild.add_comment0(msg) // add a comment into guild notice board [return nothing]
      14. guild.set_ladder_point0(points) // set guild ladder points [return nothing]
      15. guild.set_war_data0(win, draw, loss) // set guild win/draw/loss [return nothing] (commented/local update)
      16. guild.get_skill_level0(vnum) // get guild skill level [return lua number]
      17. guild.set_skill_level0(vnum, level) // set guild skill level [return nothing]
      18. guild.get_skill_point0() // get guild skill points [return lua number]
      19. guild.set_skill_point0(points) // set guild skill points [return nothing]
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.1
    1. List of server fixes:
      1. sub type 24 check bug (the condition could never be true)
      2. no check on 6-7 add/change items about costume stuff
      3. dungeon regen pointing to a dangling pointer
    2. List of defines:
      1. ENABLE_PROTO_FROM_DB //enable PROTO_FROM_DB conf.txt feature (vnum_range works fine too)
      2. ENABLE_NULLIFYAFFECT_LIMIT //sura skill 66 won't nullify players with level < or > of yours by 9
    3. List of new conf.txt options:
      1. PROTO_FROM_DB = 1/0 // enable/disable item/mob proto loading from db (otherwise, .txt)
    4. List of new CONFIGs:
      1. SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL [int] // set the requirement level to use the shout (default 15)
      2. SHOUT_LIMIT_TIME [int] // set the interval time limit to use the shout (default 15 secs) (commented)
    5. List of new lua functions:
      1. pc.is_trade0() // get if player is trading [return lua boolean]
      2. pc.is_busy0() // get if player is "busy" (if trade, safebox, npc/myshop, cube are open) [return lua boolean]
      3. pc.is_arena0() // get if player is in arena [return lua boolean]
      4. pc.is_arena_observer0() // get if player is in arena as observer [return lua boolean]
  • update SourceFiles Update v0.0
    1. List of fixes:
      1. few packet IDs were not checked
      2. refine scroll item value 1 check error
      3. item movable from mall/safebox to belt inventory w/o checking the real type (potion check bypass)
    2. List of defines:
      1. ENABLE_CHAT_COLOR_SYSTEM_A //enable chat colors based on IsGm or GetEmpire (+colored player nick)
      2. ENABLE_CHAT_COLOR_SYSTEM_B //enable chat colors based on GetEmpire (+colored empire name)
      3. ENABLE_FIREWORK_STUN //enable stun affect when using firework items
      4. ENABLE_EXPTABLE_FROMDB //read the exp table from the db
    3. List of new CONFIGs:
      1. STATUS_POINT_GET_LEVEL_LIMIT [level] // set the maximum level to get status point (default lvl 90)
      2. STATUS_POINT_SET_MAX_VALUE [int] // set the maximum settable points for status (default 90)